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23% of Houston Traffic Deaths Involve Pedestrians
If you were to mention the phrase “car accident” to random strangers, chances are most of them would be thinking of fender benders, head-on collisions, wrong way freeway drivers, and various other incidents involving two vehicles. The truth, though, is that many vehicles involve only one car, and sometimes, a non-motorist. This is especially important… Read more
Oil Fields Workers Risk Injury
Road death numbers in America have been dropping steadily for decades. But road deaths are on the rise again in one state: Texas. Beginning in 2008, when the oil drilling and fracking boom began in Texas, the state has seen an increase in the number of road deaths, and “triple tragedies,” accidents that kill 3… Read more
3 Texas Truck Crashes Raise Maintenance Concerns
Poorly maintained trucks are trucks that can kill. Since April of 2014, three separate crashes have occurred in the Dallas/Fort Worth area as a result of a leaf spring breaking off an 18-wheeler. The leaf spring, which is part of a truck’s suspension system, weighs about 11 pounds, and is something that cracks over time,… Read more
Should We Lower the Age for a CDL?
The current age for obtaining a Commercial Drivers License is 21 years old. Right now, the US is facing a shortage of truck drivers that is only expected to get worse. The American Trucking Association (ATA) believes that lowering the age for a CDL to 18 or 19 will help the trucking industry attract and… Read more