
Types of Personal Injury Accidents

Personal injury accidents are caused when someone is injured due to the negligence of another person or entity. These are among the most common legal actions taken in the United States every year. Why most of them only reach the settlement stage, if that cannot be reached between the two parties, a personal injury lawsuit… Read more

Can the Passenger in a Car Accident File a Insurance Claim?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you know how stressful it can be. The situation becomes even worse when you’ve suffered an injury due to the accident, whether the injury is serious or minor. If you were injured in an accident as the passenger at the time, you may be wondering if you… Read more

What’s the Process of a Slip and Fall Case in Texas?

It can be devastating to be caught up in a slip and fall case. It can happen to anyone: slipping on a freshly mopped floor where there are no caution signs, tripping on uneven sidewalk outside of a business, or falling down a step where there was no indication a step was coming up. If… Read more